girls bike out

the girls set off on their first bike outing on friday afternoon amidst a windy disposition and a flurry of unrestrained balloons ( they didn't last long )

we picnicked alongside stadium lawns with tasty sandwiches from ciao bella, san pellegrino wetties and berry topped duetto dolce meringue nests.

nadia brought some bubbles along, perfect for post prandial insufflation.

amelia took some fantastic pictures, nicola snapped from her phone, nadia really had a good time and sarah's take is on its way.

drop me a line to organize your girls bike out.
next event : thursday 15 december. reserve your spot.


  1. me, me, pick me for the 15th puhlease! I'm in!

  2. how exciting! i want to be in soon but won't be in durbs on the 15th! definitely the next time, please keep us posted!

  3. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
    I will be there!
